lunedì 26 febbraio 2007


- I’m sad - sighs Planky, the little plank.
- Oh, I’m so sad… There is no air for me to breath in here!
- Don’t be sad, my precious little plank, wait and see.
Life is long and the world is full of fresh air for you and me.

- I’m bored - mutters Planky, the little plank.
- Oh, I’m so bored… Nothing is moving all aroud us, nothing is living in here!
- Don’t be bored, my precious little plank, wait and see.
Life is growing under the blue sky just beyond the wall, … for you and me.

- I’m scared - sobs Planky, the little plank.
- Oh, I’m so scared… I can’t see a light, it’s too dark in here!
- Be brave, my precious little plank, wait and see.
The sun never fails to raise, there is still a lot of sunshine in store, for you and me.

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