domenica 2 settembre 2007




nel giorno dell'agorà dei giovani

sabato 11 agosto 2007

The pirate song

When I was 1
I suked my thumb

The day I went to sea ...
I climbed aboard a pirate ship
And the Captain said to me ...

... "We are going this way,
     that way, forwards, bakwards,
     Over the Irish Sea.
     A bottle of rum to warm my tum
     And that' the life for me!

sabato 28 luglio 2007

Re: Lady pirates

Walking the plank
People think pirates made their prisoners walk the plank. This was rare, as they were useful as crewman.

Lady pirates

" Mary Read and Ann Bonny were women pirates in the crew of John Rackman, Bonny's husband. They were very fierce fighters and robbed many ships. They were captured and killed in Jamaica in 1720."

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sabato 31 marzo 2007


Chocolate eggs
chocolate bunnies
chocolate bells

doves white
with icy sugar
... can't fly

Sweetness comes
from His words:
- You are alive

you are free
you are great
you are mine!


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lunedì 26 febbraio 2007


- I’m sad - sighs Planky, the little plank.
- Oh, I’m so sad… There is no air for me to breath in here!
- Don’t be sad, my precious little plank, wait and see.
Life is long and the world is full of fresh air for you and me.

- I’m bored - mutters Planky, the little plank.
- Oh, I’m so bored… Nothing is moving all aroud us, nothing is living in here!
- Don’t be bored, my precious little plank, wait and see.
Life is growing under the blue sky just beyond the wall, … for you and me.

- I’m scared - sobs Planky, the little plank.
- Oh, I’m so scared… I can’t see a light, it’s too dark in here!
- Be brave, my precious little plank, wait and see.
The sun never fails to raise, there is still a lot of sunshine in store, for you and me.

venerdì 16 febbraio 2007

The valentine

Lots of crosses
On my card,
Guess the sender!
Well…, it’s hard.
Lots of kisses,
But no name
From the postman
When he came.
Is he a new one,
Or ... an old friend of mine?
Must surrender …
It’s a valentine!


martedì 13 febbraio 2007

Dear chum

Yes, I'm still waiting for your tale!

domenica 4 febbraio 2007


Our new diary is ready. Who will be the first writer? We'll see! Bye!